Corporate Partner
OHNGA Corporate Members are local businesses, large corporations, civic groups, veteran’s organizations, and local community groups. By becoming an OHNGA Corporate Member you will show your support for members of the Ohio National Guard and their families.
Corporate Partner Levels:
Bronze: $500
- Sponsorship Recognition
- 2 Complimentary Conference Admission w/ Exhibit Space
- Logo on ONGA Website
Gold: $1500
- All benefits from Silver Level
- Up to 3 Complimentary Conference Admissions and Saturday night dinner dance
- The President’s Guest at the Dinner Dance
Silver: $750
All benefits from Bronze Level, 2 Complimentary Conference Admissions
Platinum: $2500
- All benefits from Gold Level
- 4 Complimentary Conference Admissions and dinner dance tickets
- 4 complimentary tickets for the Dinner Dance with seating with the ONGA President and Key ONG Leaders
- Special Guest to the ONGA Board of Directors at the State Conference Mixer
- Guest Speaker Presentation at the ONGA State Conference Meeting (5 minutes)
- Double Exhibit/Booth Space
Strategic Partner: $4000 – Cumulative over the course of the year
Business Partner Rate is $400 Non-Exhibitor
Platinum Partners

Gold Partners

Silver Partners
ADS, Inc. American Military University, Conveyor and Caster Equipment, EnerSys/ABDG, ESGR, ESS, GA-ASI, MAK, MyHy, Revision, Trellisware
Bronze Partners
Blue Cross Blue Shield, Buddy Covers, Bull-it Box, Canadus Power Systems, Darn Tough, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, FAAC, First Command Financial, Humana, Invisio, JBT Aero, Milspin, MOAA, Mulepak, National University, Ohio University, Otis Defense, Post University, Trijent, LLC, Wiley X